This page caters mainly for non-Malaysians who genuinely have problem reading articles in Bahasa Malaysia.
And perhaps also for Malaysians who not-so-genuinely face the same problem.
Le Chat Peint (in French)
You, The Village and A Story (short story)
The Tale of Paurnami (short story)
Strange Things (short story)
New Year Wish (short story)
Nothing but Nating (short story)
Notes of a Young Sepoy (short story)
Listen, My Love ... (short story)
Letters from Madras (short story)
Sitayana (poem)
The Drama of Paul Lathic (short story)
Hanuman: A Self Portrait (novel extract)
Datuk Comes to Siru Kambam (short story)
Panchayat: A Thinking Man's Treasure (book review)
Stories from Siru Kambam (compilation)
Imaginary Homelands: Kisah dari Siru Kambam (book review)
Siru Kambam: The Malaysian Village (book review)
A Cunning Wolf Called Nari (book promotion)
Stories from Siru Kambam (compilation)
Imaginary Homelands: Kisah dari Siru Kambam (book review)
Siru Kambam: The Malaysian Village (book review)
A Cunning Wolf Called Nari (book promotion)
Retelling Bhagavad Gita (with various links)
The "Tuhan" Issue with DBP (with various links)
Uthaya Sankar SB can be reached [HERE] and kindly note that he does not bite. He blogs at www.uthayasb.blogspot.com and updates his activities at www.facebook.com/uthaya