Malah, cerpen berkenaan "hadir" dalam cerpen "Mengubah Teks" yang boleh dibaca dalam Siru Kambam (1996).
"Gaya penulisan R. K. Narayan banyak mempengaruhi gaya penulisan saya." Demikian saya mengakui dalam Prakata kumpulan cerpen Siru Kambam.
Jika R. k. Narayan melihat dunia manusia melalui kaca mata seekor harimau dalam novel A Tiger for Malgudi, saya pula cuba melihatnya melalui kaca mata seekor burung nuri dalam cerpen "Sebuah Cerita Biasa" (Siru Kambam, 1996).
Saya memiliki dan amat menyayangi karya-karya R. K. Narayan yang terkumpul dalam The World of Malgudi, A Town Called Malgudi, The Magic of Malgudi dan Memories of Malgudi.
Berikut pula catatan pengalaman saya membaca salah sebuah novel R. K. Narayan.
R. K. Narayan* has always been my favourite writer in English. Recently, I re-read my wifes copy of Waiting for the Mahatma and I realized how the story is still fresh and as exciting as it was before.
First published in 1955, the story about Sriram, Bharati and Mahatma Gandhi has been reprinted many times worldwide. This is not just another boy-meets-girl story. Instead, it deals with the situation in India when her people were struggling for independence.
Narayan is witty in portraying the situation in the fictional village of Malgudi as it welcomes the great soul. Re-reading this book seemed even more interesting to me after watching Ben Kingsley as the Mahatma in Gandhi (1982) as well as Kamal Hassan’s Tamil/Hindi movie, Hey Ram (2000).
(Uthaya Sankar SB, “Remember This?” New Straits Times, 2 May 2001)
* R. K. Narayan was born on 10 October 1906. He died on 13 May 2001. Please CLICK HERE for more information about him.