Title: Malchin Testament: Malaysian Poems
Edited by: Malachi Edwin Vethamani
Publisher: Maya Press
Year: 2017
Thickness: 386 pages (3 cm)
Market Price: RM35.00
My Price: RM32.00 + PosLaju RM8.00 = RM40.00
Malchin Testament: Malaysian Poems brings together poems of established and emerging Malaysian poets writing in the English language. This is the first volume of poems to cover a period of six decades of Malaysian poetry in English with works from more than 50 poets.
The poems range from the works of the early poets, to recent spoken word poets. Malchin Testament: Malaysian Poems showcases Malaysian poetry from its genesis and suggests what lies ahead for poetry writing in Malaysia.

It brings together voices of poets from the multicultural and multilingual Malaysia appropriating the English language for their own expression. Malchin Testament: Malaysian Poems brings together works from various sources: poems from early literary journals and anthologies, the traditional published volumes of poetry and from new online sources.
This volume fills a gap since Edwin Thumboo’s The Second Tongue (1976), a landmark volume on Malaysian and Singaporean poetry in English.
Poets in this anthology include: Alina Rastam, Antares Maitreya, Bernice Chauly, Chuan Guat Eng, Dina Zaman, Ee Tiang Hong, Ghulam Sarwar Yousof, Paul GnanaSelvam, Jamal Raslan, Leonard Jeyam, Kee Thuan Chye, Jerome Kugan, Priya Kulasegaran, Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, K.S. Maniam, Muhammad Haji Salleh, Nor Faridah Abdul Manaf, Omar Mohd Noor, Pretam Kaur, Cecil Rajendra, Catalina Rembuyan, Salleh Ben Joned, Melizarani T. Selva, Murugasu SHANmughalingam, Shivani Sivagurunathan, Malachi Edwin Vethamani, and Wong Phui Nam.
Malachi Edwin Vethamani is Professor of Modern English Literature, School of English, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. He is a poet and short story writer. His books include Complicated Lives (2016), A Bibliography of Malaysian Literature in English (2016). He also edited a volume of Malaysian poems for young adults, In-Sights: Malaysian Poems (2003).
Malchin Testament: Malaysian Poems and Complicated Lives are available in all major bookstores.